Sprint on Tuesday announced the upcoming launch of the LG Optimus G Android smartphone. The much-anticipated handset is coming soon with 4G LTE for Sprint's ever-growing, next-gen 4G LTE network.
The Optimus G, LG's Galaxy S3 competitor, builds on LG's successful Optimus Android lineup. The device features a 4.7-inch HD IPS display, a quad-core S4 processor and a polycarbonate casing. Sprint will likely position the Optimus G to be the company's holiday flagship smartphone.
The Optimus G will also sport a mind-blowing, 13-megapixel camera that supports live zooming for better close-up photos. Several tests have shown that the camera performs extremely well and takes high quality, stunning photos. The camera app is also quite good.
In terms of software, the Optimus G offers QuickMemo, a feature that allows users to write, draw, or jot a memo directly on any captured screen for sharing instantly with others as an attachment or a URL. It also includes a neat new feature called QSlide, which gives users the ability to text or browse the Web all without navigating away from the video. Both seem pretty cool and fairly innovative.
While most of the details sound great, the one real negative here is that the Optimus G runs Android 4.0 ICS out of the gate, which is over six months old. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean was released over a month ago, so Android 4.0 being released on handsets these days just plain sucks. Sorry LG, but it's the truth.
At this point, just about the only information that hasn't been disclosed is pricing and a Sprint launch date. Being such a high-end device, though, we can only imagine it will launch sometime soon, perhaps even later this month.
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