Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Health & Fitness

Viewers' Medical Questions

Viewers' Medical Questions

Dr. Jennifer Ashton answers viewers' questions about losing weight with nutritional supplements and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 0 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (03:47)
Submitted By: CBS
Tags: Cbsepisode Ask It Early Jennifer Ashton Medical Health The Early Show
Categories: Entertainment

Who Do You Think You Are? - Into the Bowels of the Earth Season: 3

Who Do You Think You Are? - Into the Bowels of the Earth Season: 3

Who Do You Think You Are? Season: 3 Episode: 11 Jason Sudeikis journeys deep into a turn-of-the-century coal mine to experience the reality of his great-great-grandfather's life - and death.
Ranked 3.60 / 5 | 8 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (00:00)
Submitted By: hulu
Tags: Who Do You Think You Are Season 3 Highlights Coal Miner Mine Explosion Pioneer Tunnel Untimely Death Reality And Game Shows Who Do You Think You Are?
Categories: Entertainment

Carpal Tunnel Exercises , or Writer's Cramp

Carpal Tunnel Exercises , or Writer's Cramp Do you need carpal tunnel exercises or are you experiencing writer?s cramp? If you are in the Joliet or Chicago, IL area Call 815-575-9908 or visit will county health and wellness at 2400 Caton Farm Rd Suite K Crest Hill, IL 60435 Our experienced staff uses the most advanced carpal tunnel exercises to treat our patience with Carpal tunnel, writer?s cramp and many other joint, muscle,or tendon related issue.
Ranked 3.58 / 5 | 147 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (00:59)
Submitted By: stevenmcompany
Tags: Carpal Tunnel Exercises Writer?s Cramp Joliet Chicago Will County Health And Wellness Joint Pain Muscle Pain
Categories: People & Stories

Dark Days (2000): Interview Amtrak Relations Officer

Dark Days (2000): Interview Amtrak Relations Officer

The clip interview amtrak relations officer from Dark Days (2000) people residing in the tunnel are experiencing a lot of health diificulties they are respiratory conditions from living in cool dank conditions asthma i know is prevelant amongst a few individuals it's just there's a lot of vermine and disease that's spreaded from rodents and vermine in the tunnel and of course the danger of living close to high speed trains individuals run the risk of being struck by trains we've had two fatalities there in the course of the year one woman froze to death from exposure and another individual was struck by a train it is absolutely a dangerous horrendous living situation
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 11 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (00:52)
Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Dark Days (film) Interview Amtrak Relations Officer AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment

Dark Days (2000): Interview with Coalition for Homeless

Dark Days (2000): Interview with Coalition for Homeless

The clip interview with coalition for homeless from Dark Days (2000) COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS our first response because of the long relationship that we've had with our clients was to immediately go to court previous to amtrack's decision to evict people out of the tunnel we had just sued amtrack on the grounds they cannot through people out of pen station they travel here in ny city (?) so when we found out that amtrack was gonna come in ... (?) we knew we had to stop them throwing people out of the tunnel who had called it their home for 10, 15,25 years we met with amtrack officials at first they were very abrupt they wanted everybody out had it been a few days they were gonna fence it off, put in security guards we worked at a plan that we would assist people in moving into temporary shelter with amtrack ... (?) people but soon thereafter we learned of a program run by the fellow government who had set up an aid program and we garanteed amtrack that nobody would be left inside of the tunnels the section a program, the housing program here in ny city is a great ticket into housing it garantees someone an apartment health paid ...(?) and security fees so it was a perfect chance and i think amtrack knew that it's a good opportunity to work with advocates rather than have a legal challenge and ... (?) we were pretty confident had we gone to court, we would have won it was crystal clear, a violation of people's rights we didn't want to defend people to live on the street we wanted to get them into housing that was the ultimate goal and we're glad it never went to court right you ready ? go !
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 17 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:59)
Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Dark Days (film) Interview With Coalition For Homeless AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment

The Carpal Glove - Simply Amazing

The Carpal Glove - Simply Amazing

Find out why those who have had carpal tunnel surgery wish they had heard about The Carpal Glove first. Used clinically for more than 10 years on thousands of people, The Carpal Glove has a 97% success rate in significantly correcting or completely eliminating carpal tunnel symptoms - without surgery.
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 0 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:22)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Carpal Tunnel Surgery Carpal Tunnel Carpal Tunnel Pain Wrist Pain Hand Numbness Hand Tingling Finger Numbness Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Glove The Carpal Glove Health
Categories: Science & Tech

Health Blog

Health Blog
Ranked 2.90 / 5 | 51 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:29)
Submitted By: regold69
Tags: Asthma Bipolar Disorder Carpal Tunnel Sciatica Diabetes Brain Power Autism High Blood Pressure Lung Cancer Multiple Sclerosis Headaches Quit Smoking Crohn's Disease Herpes Alcoholism Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Plantar Faciitis Schizophrenia Anorexia Bu
Categories: Entertainment

Check My Health Video

Check My Health Video
Ranked 3.53 / 5 | 128 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (00:48)
Submitted By: regold69
Tags: Asthma Bipolar Disorder Carpal Tunnel Sciatica Diabetes Brain Power Autism High Blood Pressure Lung Cancer Multiple Sclerosis Quit Smoking Crohns Disease Herpes Alcoholism Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Plantar Faciitis Schizophrenia Anorexia Bulimia Head
Categories: Entertainment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Surgical Release

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Surgical Release This 3D medical animation depicts carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel release. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder of the hand caused by compression of the median nerve. Two different types of carpal tunnel release are animated, an open carpal tunnel procedure and the endoscopic approach.
Ranked 5.00 / 5 | 129 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (03:14)
Submitted By: NucleusMedicalMedia
Tags: 3D Animation Nucleus Medical Media Art Health Literacy Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgical Release Nerve Disorder Hands Compression Median Wrist Procedure
Categories: Art & Animation

Carpal Tunnel Pain

Carpal Tunnel Pain

The cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve is a mixed nerve, meaning it has a sensory function and also provides nerve signals to move your muscles (motor function). The median nerve provides sensation to your thumb, index finger, middle finger and the middle-finger side of the ring finger.
Ranked 3.23 / 5 | 190 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:16)
Submitted By: Lynn Kerew
Tags: Chiropractor In West LA Chiropractic In West LA Santa Monica Chiropractor Santa Monica Chiropractic Chiropractor In West Los Angeles Chiropractic In West Los Angeles Cigna United Health Care Aetna Blue Shield Lynn Kerew Cervical Stenosis Lumbar Stenosis
Categories: Other


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