The United States Department of Justice's
antitrust lawsuit filed yesterday against Apple and five major book publishers for allegedly colluding and price-fixing e-books is
still reverbing throughout the tech industry -- after all, pretty much anything having to do with Apple these days is going to attract attention, and a major antitrust lawsuit is never something to be taken lightly. With the strong book publishing angle here, however, this is obviously not a tech-only story. And beyond the
well-reported details around what brought the lawsuit on and what the allegations exactly are, it's still a bit unclear what this all means for the technology industry at large. So it was great to have
Gary Reback join us on TechCrunch TV to provide some larger perspective on the situation. An alum of Yale (where he worked as a computer programmer to help pay his undergraduate tuition bills) and Stanford Law, Reback has spent the past three decades working as an attorney specializing in all things antitrust -- perhaps most famously by helping to lead the
United States case against Microsoft in the 1990s.
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