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Saturday, December 22, 2012
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NRA calls for armed police officer in every school
The National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre pauses as he makes a statement during a news conference in response to the Connecticut school shooting, on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 in Washington. The National Rifle Association broke its silence Friday on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
The National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre pauses as he makes a statement during a news conference in response to the Connecticut school shooting, on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 in Washington. The National Rifle Association broke its silence Friday on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
The National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre gestures as he speaks about the violent online video game "Kindergarten Killers", left, during a news conference in response to the Connecticut school shooting on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 in Washington. The National Rifle Association broke its silence Friday on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The nation's largest gun-rights lobby called Friday for armed police officers to be posted in every American school to stop the next killer "waiting in the wings."
The National Rifle Association broke its silence on last week's shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," the group's top lobbyist, Wayne LaPierre, said at a Washington news conference.
LaPierre said "the next Adam Lanza," the man responsible for last week's mayhem, is planning an attack on another school.
"How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark," LaPierre said. "A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?"
He blamed video games, movies and music videos for exposing children to a violent culture day in and day out. "In a race to the bottom, many conglomerates compete with one another to shock, violate, and offend every standard of civilized society, by bringing an even more toxic mix of reckless behavior and criminal cruelty right into our homes," LaPierre said.
He refused to take any questions after speaking. Though security was tight, two protesters were able to interrupt LaPierre's speech, holding up signs that blamed the NRA for killing children. Both were escorted out, shouting that guns in schools are not the answer.
LaPierre announced that former Rep. Asa Hutchison, R-Ark., will lead an NRA program that will develop a model security plan for schools that relies on armed volunteers.
The 4.3 million-member NRA largely disappeared from public debate after the shootings in Newtown, Conn., choosing atypical silence as a strategy as the nation sought answers after the rampage. The NRA temporarily took down its Facebook page and kept quiet on Twitter.
Since the slayings, President Barack Obama has demanded "real action, right now" against U.S. gun violence and called on the NRA to join the effort. Moving quickly after several congressional gun-rights supporters said they would consider new legislation to control firearms, the president said this week he wants proposals to reduce gun violence that he can take to Congress by January.
Obama has already asked Congress to reinstate an assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 and pass legislation that would stop people from purchasing firearms from private sellers without a background check. Obama also has indicated he wants Congress to pursue the possibility of limiting high-capacity magazines.
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One week after shooting, new details emerge
NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) ? As the nation paused to mark a week since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, new details emerged Friday about the gunman, Adam Lanza, who acquaintances said was able to take apart and reassemble a computer in a matter of minutes but rarely spoke to anyone.
In high school, Lanza used to slither through the hallways, awkwardly pressing himself against the wall while wearing the same green shirt and khaki pants every day. He hardly ever talked to classmates and once gave a presentation entirely by computer, never uttering a single word.
"As long as I knew him, he never really spoke," said Daniel Frost, who took a computer class with Lanza and remembered his skill with electronics.
Lanza seemed to spend most of his time in his own large space in the basement of the home he shared with his mother ? the same basement where she kept a collection of guns, said Russell Ford, a friend of Nancy Lanza's who had done chimney and pipe work on the house.
A week ago, Lanza fatally shot his mother before blasting his way into the school, killing 20 children and six teachers with a military style rifle. As police approached, he used a handgun to commit suicide.
Nancy Lanza was often seen around town and regularly chatted up friends and acquaintances at a local restaurant, but her 20-year-old son was a mysterious figure who was seldom spotted in this community of rolling hills and clapboard colonial homes, according to Ford and other townspeople.
The basement of the Lanza home was fully carpeted and had artwork, including a picture of a horse, on the walls. There was a computer, a flat-screen television, couches and an elaborate setup for video games. Nancy Lanza kept her guns in what appeared to be a secure case in another part of the basement, Ford said.
"She was from gun culture. Live free or die. That was truly her upbringing," said Ford, who often met the New Hampshire native and other friends at a regular Tuesday gathering at My Place, a local restaurant.
Ford did not know if Lanza brought her son shooting.
Over the past year and a half, Ford said, Nancy Lanza had told him that she planned to move out West and enroll Adam in a "school or a center." The plan started unfolding after Adam turned 18.
"He wouldn't be dwelling with her," said Ford, who remembered that Adam Lanza never spoke to him or even made eye contact.
"She knew she needed to be near him," he added. "She was trying to do what was positive for him."
Ford said Nancy Lanza didn't elaborate on what type of services she wanted her son to receive. He hadn't seen her in about a month and a half, and said she made fewer appearances at the restaurant in recent months.
Mark Tambascio, owner of My Place, said Nancy Lanza described the same plan to him, saying she might move to Washington State.
Back in high school, Frost recalled, Lanza once made a class presentation about how to change the folders in Microsoft Windows different colors. He did it without saying a word, just demonstrating the steps on a screen.
Someone in the class brought in a video game called "Counter-Strike," a first-person shooting video game in which players compete against each other as either terrorists or counter-terrorists, Frost said.
Lanza "seemed pretty interested in the game," Frost recalled, and would play it with other students. He remembers the weapons Lanza chose: an M4 military-style assault rifle and a Glock handgun.
During the rampage at the school, Lanza used a military-style assault rifle and carried handguns, authorities said.
A week after the massacre, authorities still have no clear reason why Lanza would lash out at defenseless first-graders and their caretakers.
State police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said it is too soon to draw any conclusions. A final report on the investigation could be months away.
Lanza destroyed the hard drive of his computer before the attack, and investigators have been unable to retrieve any information from it, according to a person briefed on the case.
And while they haven't given up, they aren't confident they will be able to repair it, the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.
In Newtown, the community endured another mournful, overcast day filled with multiple funerals and visitations. At the hour of the attack, 9:30 a.m., a bell tolled 26 times, once for each victim killed at the school.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy gathered with other officials in rain and wind on the steps of the Edmond Town Hall as the bell rang. Officials didn't make any formal remarks, and similar commemorations took place throughout the country.
Also on Friday, the National Rifle Association spoke out for the first time since the shootings, calling for armed police officers to be stationed at schools to stop the next killer "waiting in the wings."
Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the nation's largest gun-rights lobbing group, said at a Washington news conference that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
LaPierre blamed video games, music and videos for exposing children to violence.
At the memorial services, a school psychologist who rushed toward the gunman was remembered as a caring professional, a passionate fan of the Miami Dolphins and a woman who ultimately put the lives of others ahead of her own.
One of Mary Sherlach's friends donned a Dan Marino jersey for her funeral, which drew a standing-room-only crowd to St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church in Trumbull.
The church was adorned with a Christmas tree and several wreaths, including one with the teal, white and orange colors of the Dolphins.
Rev. Stephen Gleason said Sherlach's love was Christ-like.
"No one has greater love than to give one's life for his friends," he said. "And she did so in an attempt to save others."
Five other victims from Sandy Hook had services or calling hours scheduled on Friday.
Associated Press writers Matt Apuzzo in Washington and Pat Eaton-Robb in Newtown contributed to this report.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Report: Badgers hire Utah State's Andersen as coach
Gary Andersen's Utah State team won the WAC with an 11-2 record this season.
Gary Andersen/Icon SMI
Wisconsin will hire Utah State's Gary Andersen as head football coach to replace Bret Bielema, according to multiple media reports.
The Wisconsin State Journal was first to report that Wisconsin athletic director Barry Alvarez had offered Andersen the job Tuesday night. Andersen is in his fourth year at Utah State and is coming off his best season yet.
The 18th-ranked Aggies won the Western Athletic Conference and finished 11-2, with a school record for victories after beating Toledo 41-15 in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl on Saturday.
Utah State lost 16-14 at Wisconsin earlier this season.
The 48-year-old Andersen is 26-24 at Utah State. He took over in Logan, Utah, after spending five seasons as defensive coordinator at the University of Utah under Kyle Whittingham. In the four seasons before Andersen took over at Utah State, the Aggies won a total of nine games.
Bielema left Wisconsin for Arkansas earlier this month in a surprising move.
Andersen's move would come as a surprise only because he has so publicly stated recently that he planned to stay at Utah State after turning down other offers in the past month. The Utah native was a candidate at Colorado, California and Kentucky.
"Opportunities are wonderful. It was very humbling the last three or four weeks to go through that process and be involved in jobs. You learn a lot, but you also learn a lot about yourself and where you want to be," Andersen told the Idaho Statesman last week. "And you sit back and take a deep breath and know who you want to be able to be around. I love the kids I get to coach here. ... The kids I have in the program, it just was not time. I look them in the eye and I need to be where I'm at."
Wisconsin is headed to the Rose Bowl for a third straight season, and Alvarez is coaching the team. He was Wisconsin coach for 16 seasons before stepping down to focus on the job of athletic director, and handing the job to Bielema who was head coach in Madison for seven years.
Among the others reportedly considered for the Wisconsin job were Jacksonville Jaguars defensive coordinator Mel Tucker, Bowling Green coach Dave Clawson and Miami's Al Golden.
Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Well+Good's 14 Fitness and Wellness Trends of 2013 | Well+Good ...
Until recently, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) was the exclusive domain of professional athletes and in-the-know amateurs (with expensive trainers).
What's HIIT? A series of very short, super-intense, cardio-strength intervals (think burpees or jump squats as fast as you can go), with short recovery periods in between.
Over the last year, workouts that incorporate HIIT?(e.g. Barry?s Bootcamp, classes like Whipped, Tabata, MetCon, CrossFit, and more) are packed to the gills because people are seeing major results without putting in too many hours.
And the no-pain, no-gain workouts are getting validation from the latest exercise science and Gretchen Reynolds? bestselling book?The First 20 Minutes.
Photo: Equinox
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Black piranha, megapiranha have most powerful bites of fish living or extinct, finds GW researcher
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Contact: Latarsha Gatlin
George Washington University
WASHINGTON The black piranha and the extinct giant piranha, or megapiranha, have the most powerful bites of carnivorous fishes, living or extinct, once body size is taken into account, finds researchers in a paper recently published in Scientific Reports. The research paper, Mega-Bites: Extreme jaw forces of living and extinct piranhas, highlights the piranhas' specialized jaw morphology, which allows them to attack and bite chunks out of much larger prey.
Guillermo Ort, the George Washington University Louis Weintraub Professor of Biology in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, is one of the authors of the paper. His research focuses on the evolution of fishes in general, but specializes on Amazonian fishes, to unravel evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data. In 2010, Dr. Orti along with other researchers participated in an expedition to the Xingu and Iriri rivers in Amazonia to collect the data on the fish.
Piranhas' aggressive nature, relatively small size and accessible populations make them a suitable group of predatory vertebrates in which to study the evolution of extreme biting capabilities. Even at their small body sizes, diet studies indicate that piranhas will attack and bite chunks of bony fins and flesh from prey many times larger than themselves. In spite of their reputation, no quantitative data or empirical estimates regarding the piranhas biting abilities were available.
The paper reports the first bite-force measurements taken from wild specimens of the largest species of carnivorous piranha in the Amazon, the black piranha, and describes the underlying functional morphology of the jaws that allows this creature to bite with a force more than 30 times greater than its weight. The powerful bite is achieved primarily due to the large muscle mass of the black piranha's jaw and the efficient transmission of its large contractile forces through a highly modified jaw-closing lever.
The expedition was organized and filmed by National Geographic. A subsequent program called Megapiranha aired on the National Geographic Channel featured the expedition and focused on the creature that existed millions of years ago.
"It was very exciting to participate in this project, travel one more time to the Amazon to be able to directly measure bite forces in the wild," said Dr. Orti. "I learned a lot of biomechanics from my colleagues while collecting valuable specimens for my own research." The authors also reconstructed the bite force of the megapiranha, showing that for its relatively diminutive body size, the bite of this fossil piranha dwarfed that of other extinct mega-predators, including the whale-eating shark and the Devonian placoderm. Research at the Ort lab at GW continues to focus on reconstructing the genealogical tree of fishes including piranhas based on genomic data.
Scientific Reports is a primary research publication from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural sciences.
George Washington University
In the heart of the nation's capital with additional programs in Virginia, the George Washington University was created by an Act of Congress in 1821. Today, GW is the largest institution of higher education in the District of Columbia. The university offers comprehensive programs of undergraduate and graduate liberal arts study, as well as degree programs in medicine, public health, law, engineering, education, business and international affairs. Each year, GW enrolls a diverse population of undergraduate, graduate and professional students from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and more than 130 countries.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Contact: Latarsha Gatlin
George Washington University
WASHINGTON The black piranha and the extinct giant piranha, or megapiranha, have the most powerful bites of carnivorous fishes, living or extinct, once body size is taken into account, finds researchers in a paper recently published in Scientific Reports. The research paper, Mega-Bites: Extreme jaw forces of living and extinct piranhas, highlights the piranhas' specialized jaw morphology, which allows them to attack and bite chunks out of much larger prey.
Guillermo Ort, the George Washington University Louis Weintraub Professor of Biology in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, is one of the authors of the paper. His research focuses on the evolution of fishes in general, but specializes on Amazonian fishes, to unravel evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data. In 2010, Dr. Orti along with other researchers participated in an expedition to the Xingu and Iriri rivers in Amazonia to collect the data on the fish.
Piranhas' aggressive nature, relatively small size and accessible populations make them a suitable group of predatory vertebrates in which to study the evolution of extreme biting capabilities. Even at their small body sizes, diet studies indicate that piranhas will attack and bite chunks of bony fins and flesh from prey many times larger than themselves. In spite of their reputation, no quantitative data or empirical estimates regarding the piranhas biting abilities were available.
The paper reports the first bite-force measurements taken from wild specimens of the largest species of carnivorous piranha in the Amazon, the black piranha, and describes the underlying functional morphology of the jaws that allows this creature to bite with a force more than 30 times greater than its weight. The powerful bite is achieved primarily due to the large muscle mass of the black piranha's jaw and the efficient transmission of its large contractile forces through a highly modified jaw-closing lever.
The expedition was organized and filmed by National Geographic. A subsequent program called Megapiranha aired on the National Geographic Channel featured the expedition and focused on the creature that existed millions of years ago.
"It was very exciting to participate in this project, travel one more time to the Amazon to be able to directly measure bite forces in the wild," said Dr. Orti. "I learned a lot of biomechanics from my colleagues while collecting valuable specimens for my own research." The authors also reconstructed the bite force of the megapiranha, showing that for its relatively diminutive body size, the bite of this fossil piranha dwarfed that of other extinct mega-predators, including the whale-eating shark and the Devonian placoderm. Research at the Ort lab at GW continues to focus on reconstructing the genealogical tree of fishes including piranhas based on genomic data.
Scientific Reports is a primary research publication from the publishers of Nature, covering all areas of the natural sciences.
George Washington University
In the heart of the nation's capital with additional programs in Virginia, the George Washington University was created by an Act of Congress in 1821. Today, GW is the largest institution of higher education in the District of Columbia. The university offers comprehensive programs of undergraduate and graduate liberal arts study, as well as degree programs in medicine, public health, law, engineering, education, business and international affairs. Each year, GW enrolls a diverse population of undergraduate, graduate and professional students from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and more than 130 countries.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Both SKorean presidential hopefuls promise change
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? South Koreans wrapped in mufflers and parkas braved frigid weather Wednesday to vote in a presidential election heading for a close finish between the two top candidates ? the liberal son of North Korean refugees and the conservative daughter of a late dictator.
For all their differences, the candidates hold similar views on the need to engage with Pyongyang and other issues.
One big reason: Many voters are dissatisfied with current President Lee Myung-bak, including with his hard-line stance on the country's authoritarian rival to the north. Park Geun-hye, who belongs to Lee's party, has had to tack to the center in her bid to become South Korea's first woman president.
Earlier polls showed Park and liberal candidate Moon Jae-in in a dead heat in the race to lead Asia's fourth-largest economy and an important U.S. security bulwark in the region.
"Everything's now at heaven's disposal," Moon told reporters at a polling station in the southeastern port city of Busan. "I have put forward every bit of my energy."
Park, a five-term lawmaker, voted in Seoul and said she would wait for the "people's choice with a humble mind," calling on voters to "open a new era" for their nation.
South Koreans express deepening worry about the economy and disgust over the alleged involvement of aides close to Lee in corruption scandals.
Many voters blame Lee's hardline views for encouraging North Korea to conduct nuclear and missile tests ? including a rocket launch by Pyongyang last week that outsiders call a cover for a banned long-range missile test. Some also say ragged North-South relations led to two attacks blamed on Pyongyang that killed 50 South Koreans in 2010.
"I skipped breakfast to vote. I've been waiting to vote for five years. I think it's time to change the government," said 37-year-old Kim Young-jin, who voted for Moon at a polling station inside an apartment complex.
At one polling station in Seoul, young and old voters alike stood in line, despite a bitter cold snap. Wednesday is a national holiday in South Korea. Electric stoves inside the polling station warmed the line of voters that stretched longer as the sun rose. Polls opened at 6 a.m. local time. Some voters blew on their freezing hands as they hurried into the polling station.
"I believe in Park," Choi Yong-ja, a 59-year-old housekeeper, said as she left a polling station at a Seoul school. "She has abundant political experience."
The effort to create distance with incumbent Lee has been more difficult for Park, whose popularity rests on a staunchly conservative, anti-North Korea base of mostly older voters.
Both candidates propose pulling back from Lee's insistence that engagement with North Korea be linked to so-far-nonexistent nuclear disarmament progress by Pyongyang. Park, however, insists on more conditions than Moon.
Moon is a former chief of staff to Lee's predecessor, late President Roh Moo-hyun, who championed the so-called "sunshine policy" of no-strings-attached aid for Pyongyang.
Moon wants an early summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Park has also held out the possibility of such a meeting, but only if it's "an honest dialogue on issues of mutual concern."
Whoever wins the presidential Blue House will set the initial tone for new North Korea policy not just in Seoul but in Washington, Beijing and Tokyo. All those governments have recently undergone an election, a change of leadership or both.
A Moon election could lead to friction with Washington if new engagement with Pyongyang comes without any of the reciprocal nuclear disarmament progress that Washington demands from the North.
Moon and Park also agree on the need to fight widespread government corruption, strengthen social welfare, help small companies, close growing gaps between rich and poor, ease heavy household debt and rein in big corporations that have grown so powerful they threaten to eclipse national laws. They differ mainly in how far they want to go.
Moon wants to drastically expand welfare, while Park seeks more cautious improvement in the system, out of concern that expanding too much could hurt the economy, according to Chung Jin-young, a political scientist at Kyung Hee University in South Korea.
Both candidates also have promised to strengthen the alliance with the United States while boosting economic ties with China.
Park is aiming to make history as the first female leader in South Korea ? and modern Northeast Asia. But she also works under the shadow of her father, Park Chung-hee, who ruled South Korea as dictator for 18 years until his intelligence chief killed him during a drinking party in 1979.
Park's father is both an asset and a soft spot. Many older South Koreans revere his strict economic policies and tough line against North Korea. But he's also loathed for his odious treatment of opponents, including claims of torture and snap executions.
"Nostalgia for Park Chung-hee still runs deep in our society, particularly in the older generation," Chung said.
A Park win would mean that South Korean voters believe she would evoke her father's strong charisma as president and settle the country's economic and security woes, Chung said.
Moon, on the other hand, was a young opponent of Park Chung-hee. Before working for Roh, whom Lee replaced in 2008, Moon was a human rights lawyer. He also spent time in jail for challenging Park's government.
Moon's parents lived in the North Korean port city of Hungnam before fleeing to South Korea aboard a U.S. military ship in daring evacuation operations in December 1950, six months after the Korean War broke out.
Moon's parents lived in an interim shelter on South Korea's southeastern Geoje Island and later moved to a nearby village where Moon was born in 1953. Moon's father did manual labor at the camp while his mother peddled eggs.
A Moon win would be a clear judgment against the Lee government, said Hahm Sung Deuk, a political scientist at Korea University in Seoul. Moon's appeal is that he "appears to be nice, honest and clean."
Moon has been aided by Ahn Cheol-soo, a medical doctor-turned-software mogul who led Park in hypothetical two-way polls before he dropped out of the race last month. Ahn, who does not belong to any party, has thrown his support behind Moon since withdrawal.
With South Korea's economy facing a 2 to 3 percent annual growth rate for this year and the next, the presidential candidates have focused on welfare and equality and fairness issues. Both candidates promise to crack down on wrongdoings of family-controlled industrial conglomerates, known as chaebols. Neither, however, has matched Lee's campaign promise to boost South Korea's economy by an ambitious 7 percent growth annually, apparently aware of the global economic challenges that beset the country's export-driven economy.
Economic worries may be the focus of many voters, but North Korea forced itself as an issue in the closing days of campaigning with its rocket launch last week, which put a satellite into orbit.
The launch won't be a major election influence, but it will consolidate conservative votes in favor of Park, said Hahm. He said the launch will remind South Korean voters that "the North Koreans are unpredictable and belligerent."
AP writers Foster Klug and Youkyung Lee contributed to this story.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Mayan Calendar End of the World Plea from French Mayor: ‘Do not come to Bugarach’
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US, EU, Denounce Israel's Settlement Plan
The United States and the European Union issued statements denouncing Israel?s new plan to build thousands of units in illegal Israeli settlements in and around occupied Jerusalem, and in a number of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Spokeswoman of the U.S. Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, stated that the ?United States is disappointed that Israel is ongoing with its provocative acts?, and added that Israeli leaders repeatedly speak of the two-state solution with the Palestinians, but ?the their actions on the ground are threatening this vision?.
Despite its condemnation, the United States remain the largest supporter of Israel, as its grants Israel around $3.6 Billion annually, in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars donate through lobbies, including groups that were formed with the sole intension to support Israel?s illegal settlement activities.
France also issued a strong condemnation of the recent Israeli decision to build 1500 units in the illegal Ramat Shlomo settlement in occupied Jerusalem, and stated that ?Ramat Shlomo is a settlement neighborhood, and any construction in it is an illegitimate colonial act that harms the trust building measures being conducted between Israel and the Palestinians?, and also stated that such constructions will further obstruct the peace process and jeopardize the two-state solution.
Britain, France, Germany and Portugal are preparing a draft that will be submitted to the Security Council to denounce the Israeli plan, and to condemn Tel Aviv for launching new construction projects in Jerusalem and some West Bank settlements.
The Maan News Agency reported that around 400 Jewish Rabbis also urged Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to refrain from implementing the new construction in E1 area, located between occupied East Jerusalem and the illegal settlement bloc of Maale Adumim.
In their letter, the Rabbis said that they fear that the new constructions will be the ?fatal blow on the head of the political process?, and warned that this plan ?also harms the vital Israeli-American relations?.
But Netanyahu and his extremist coalition partners went on to reiterate Israel?s stance? that Jerusalem, all of Jerusalem, is the eternal and unified capital of Israel?, and added that the government will continue to build and expand settlements.
On his part, Palestinian UN Observer, Riyadh Mansour, stated that the Security Council will adopt a new solution condemning the Israeli plan in Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory.
He added that this resolution will likely receive the support of all member states except for Israel and its ally the United States.
Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, Israel?s settlement blocks and random outposts are illegal under International Law and violate the Fourth Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory.
By accepting the two-state solution, the Palestinian leadership recognized the state of Israel that was built on around %82 of the historic land of Palestine, while Israel continues to build and expand settlements in large areas of the remaining %18 where the Palestinian leadership is hoping to establish its state with occupied East Jerusalem as its capital.
Beside its refusal to halt its settlement activities, Israel has been rejecting talks on vital issues such as border, natural resources and the internationally-guaranteed Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees.
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Should You Switch from an iPhone to a Nexus 4? I Did, and I?m Pleased as Punch
I?ve been a long time Apple devotee. ?My first computer was a Powerbook. ?What model I don?t recall. ?It may have been the 170 or the 180, but I seem to remember it being one of the earlier Mac laptops to include an Active Matrix screen. ?Either way, it cost me an arm and a leg, otherwise known as my inheritance, bestowed upon me by my grandfather. ?The only grandfather I knew and was affectionately referred to as ?Grand Pa Chocolate? (he brought us Cadbury chocolate bars every time he paid us a visit in London).
Years later my mother invested in a Mac IIsi thanks to a failed Apple marketing tact to flood schools with their machines. ?In addition to the built-in 3.5-inch floppy drive, we purchased an external CD-ROM as well as a 2,400bps modem (notice the?absence?of an M or K). ?The latter component?facilitated?a many a late nights downloading largely nefarious files from pre-world wide web ?bulletin board system?, otherwise known as BBSes.
I soon grew weary of Apple?s offering. ?Largely because a far more tech savvy friend owned a PC. ?A PC that was compatible with games that at the time seemed like the stuff ? dare I say ? made of dreams. ?I?m talking ?Police Quest, King?s Quest, and Stunt Driver.? ?DOS was the OS of choice, and since it required the use of a some what esoteric set of commands to navigate its plain texted menu system, I was quite impressed with myself. ?The net result was another?computer?purchase; a Gateway Pentium 60.
Time passed, I got older, video game consoles and girls took precedent, and the computer, as you can imagine, took a serious backseat in my life. ?That is until 10 years later when Apple announced the Titanium Powerbook, affectionately known as the TiBook. ?It was an underpowered piece of kit that looked better than it?performed.? ?It too cost a fair clip of cash (much like my first Powerbook), but suffice to say the wasn?t enough to deter me.
So when the first gen iPod was released, I purchased it, albeit months after its debut. ?Then came the iPhone and its ridiculously large price tag. ?I held my breath and miraculously Steve Jobs saw fit to drop the price from $599 to $399 for the 8GB of version. ?I couldn?t resist, and needless to say bought the first generation iPhone. ?Following that, I skipped the 3G, bought a 3Gs, skipped the 4 and bought a 4s. ?Which brings us to today.
For 30 days I owned the iPhone 5. ?That is until I returned it to the Apple store. I wasn?t up for a full contract renewal so I over paid. ?Buyer?s remorse I suppose. ?With my tail between my legs I sheepishly returned to using the iPhone 4s. ?In further hindsight 5, while benchmarked at?significant?speeds, didn?t seem like a worthy technical jump between the two Apple handsets. ?And thus explains the moot feeling I?ve now associated with the iPhone. ?Fold in the fact that I?ve long wanted to better understand Android for the sake of work, and hence why I ended up buying the Google Nexus 4 two weeks ago.
10 days have transpired since I ditched my iPhone 4s and I have no regrets. ?To be candid my Nexus 4 has battery problems, but that aside the all together experience has been an overwhelmingly positive one.
The Nexus 4 measures?133.9 x 68.7 x 9.1 mm. ?And while that?s larger than any iPhone to date, it?s a just and almost unnoticeable size difference, especially given the 4.7-inch display. ?Yes, the Nexus 4 weighs more than the iPhone 5, but since I transitioned from the 4s, which weighs 140 grams, 1 gram more than the Nexus 4, it?s a moot issue. ?In fact, the Nexus 4 feels lighter than the iPhone 4s since the weight is distributed over a larger area. ?And surprisingly the Nexus 4 fits neatly into all of my pant?s pockets, and although I?m not wearing hipster tight jeans, I do wear my pants stylishly trim.
Under the hood is a quad-core Snapdragon processor, which is a powerhouse to say the least. ?But as anyone of anyone knows specs are never the complete picture. ?I?m happy to report that the The Nexus 4 is blissfully fast. ?Remember I?m new to Android, but I have laid finger to other devices, such as the HTC Vivid. ?From day-to-day the Nexus 4 feels powerful yet light weight, and nothing short of impressive. ?Apps, generally speaking, take about 10 seconds or less to install. ?Where as any app, of any size on the iPhone 4s, and even the iPhone 5, take 2-4 times longer. ?Opening up an app occurs with virtually no lag, and switching from app-to-app is a seamless experience that I?ve never experienced on the iPhone.
While the Nexus 4 has a solid camera, the iPhone still out ranks it in clarity and low light?performance. ?The default camera has some extra features not found in the iPhone, though. ?Such as exposure options, white balance, and the ability to capture full room?panoramas. ?At the end of the day I?d rather the iPhone?s camera, but the?aforementioned?caveats aren?t enough for me to questions my jump to Android.
Operating System
Android is faster than iOS. ?Now, keep in mind that the Nexus 4 isn?t chalk full of carrier or manufacturer bloatware. ?And to be candid I?ve never used an Android device with such, so it?s hard for me to speak to other Android handsets. ?However, in terms of app speed, compared to the iPhone, it blows it out of the water.
Drag down from the top of the screen, much like in iOS 6, and you can access your notification center. ?You can also modify each app?s settings and?notifications, though I?ll concede a bit and say that Android?s menus are a bit more daunting, albeit with more options. ?By default there isn?t a Find My Phone function, or iCloud. ?However, Google does over a myriad of other, comparable services within their ecosphere, and if there is something you?re looking for in terms of customization, odds are there is an app for it. ?Unlike iOS you can add ?widgets? to your home screen, allowing you to view Facebook, email, news, weather, your calendar and other apps without opening the actual app ? you just swipe left to right from your home screen where you?re presented with what is probably best described as a live tile.
Unlike other Android devices, the Nexus 4 ships with Google Now. ?Swipe from the bottom up and it opens a set of cards that might have you believe Google is reading your mind. ?In fact, it?s an opt-in service available on the Nexus 4 (I believe exclusive to Nexus phones) and although it doesn?t read your mind, it will read your email, web surfing history, and location to provide you with ?results? before you request them. ?For instance, if an email contains flight?itinerary, it will pull up a card stating if the flight is on time, show you a mini map with a route and calculate your driving time with traffic based on your current location. ?After a few days of everyday use it begins to try and suss out where is ?home and work? to help make better predictions. ?The feature is impressive, even if it is just merely a backroom parlor trick of sorts.
As stated in my introduction I?ve suffered battery woes. ?From what I can tell you?ll want to spend sometime personalizing your setting maximize your battery life; screen brightness, location service features, notifications, and so forth. ?That said, my iPhone 4s could easily get me through a day and a?half with minimal use (no Bluetooth or location services turned on full time). ?Where as the Nexus 4 is good for about a day, and that?s assuming the screen is set to auto brightness (dim in comparison to the iPhone). ?So suffice to say, the Nexus 4?s battery isn?t stellar, but it?s enough to get through a day.
The screen on the Nexus 4 measures 4.7-inches and produces a 720p image. ?Pixel density ranks slightly lower than the iPhone 4s and iPhone 5, but it?s a moot and somewhat imperceivable?concern, though keep in mind less pixels and more screen means less clarity. ?And although both the Nexus 4 and the iPhone 4s share the same display type ? IPS ? the iPhone 4s offers a wider viewing angle and all together great clarity.
The Nexus 4?s speaker might be the phone?s weakest feature. ?It?s located on the back so anytime the Nexus 4 is laying down flat it?s muffled, even on a hard surface and worse on a soft one, such as a bed or jacket. ?The speaker is also not very loud comparatively speaking to the iPhone 4s or iPhone 5, which can be an annoyance even if you?re sitting at home in relative?quietness?attempting to watch a video clip on the 4.7-inch display.
Should you make the leap from iPhone to the Nexus 4?
At this point, and despite my battery issues, I?m pretty, darn right pleased with the Nexus 4. ?By no means is it a perfect handset, and anyone that has owned a Nexus phone before this iteration will tell you that it?s an evolutionary, not revolutionary?device? ?But that?s just it. ?Neither is the iPhone 5, yet the amount of features that the Nexus 4 brings over the iPhone 4s (and 5) makes it feel as such.
I don?t care much for NFC, but nor will I complain that its there in the event I want to tap and make a purchase, or share a photo (painstakingly in my experience) with a friend?s compatible handset. ?I had my concerns that the larger screen would prove cumbersome, and although it?s not a svelte as the iPhone 5, it does feel ?lighter than the 4s despite it having the same mass. ?Unfortunately, I can?t speak to battery life just yet since my handset seems to be suffering a hardware malfunction, but I?m confident it?s something I can get beyond since a new device is already on the way. ?Last but not least, the price for a 16GB Nexus 4 is $350+tax off-contract. ?Apple?s is $650.
James will be publishing a full review shortly with benchmarks and a greater technical evaluation. ?As a result I?ve decided to not include a rating in this review.
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Wal-Mart de Mexico Shares Lower on Renewed Bribery Allegations
Shares of Walmex, as the local unit of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) is known, were down 2% at MXN42.24 pesos around 9:50 a.m. EST.
Walmex said in a statement that the store in question, near the pyramids of Teotihuacan, is among those that are part of an internal investigation being conducted by the parent company, and that it "shall refrain from making any comments on specific allegations or claims."
Credit Suisse said in a report that it expects the news to be negative for Walmex shares.
"We think this might bring back volatility to the shares after news on the case was relatively positive in recent weeks," the investment bank said. "From a merely operational standpoint, recent feedback suggests that achieving the (revised) guidance for store openings in 2012, was still reachable, but somewhat tight."
Following the bribery allegations early this year, Walmex tempered its expansion plans for Mexico to an 8% increase in floor space from the original 12%.
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Japan-based ReproCELL opens first U.S. office in Boston
Courtesy ReproCELL
Takashi Masai, COO of ReproCELL USA, said that it estimates that the U.S. market (for stem cell products) is 20 to 50 times larger than that of Japan.
Japanese stem cell company ReproCELL Inc. has opened its first branch and U.S. office in Allston Village with plans to hire 12 employees in the next four years.
Founded in 2003, ReproCELL offers human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell culture media, and commercialized human iPS cell-derived heart products. It?s the third Japanese life sciences company to announce plans for expansion into Massachusetts in the past six months, following Scivax and HMT, according to a statement from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC).
?The U.S. market is the most important for ReproCELL to enter in order to foster our growth - we estimate that the U.S. market is 20 to 50 times larger than that of Japan,? said Takashi Masai, COO of ReproCELL USA, in a statement. ?Massachusetts is the perfect place to start our business in the U.S. because of its high concentration of top-level customers for both of our business lines. In addition, the commonwealth provides access to the network of biotech professionals and support from government partners, such as the MLSC.?
The Denby Road offices currently have three employees, and the company plans to hire nine more by the end of 2016.
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
Study Finds Years Living With Disease, Injury Increasing Globally
Boston, MA --(ENEWSPF)--December 14, 2012. No matter where they live, how much education they have, or what their incomes are, people have very similar perceptions on the impact of diseases and injuries.
This finding ? counter to the prevailing belief that people throughout the world view different health conditions in very different ways depending on their culture or individual circumstances ? is part of a collaborative project, the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010). GBD 2010, launched by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, and 300 other institutions worldwide, is the single largest and most detailed scientific effort ever conducted to quantify levels and trends in health worldwide.
Two of the seven studies being published in a triple issue of The Lancet on Dec. 14, 2012 ? the first time the journal has focused an entire issue on one study ? were co-led by Joshua Salomon, professor of global health at HSPH. The first is a major innovation in measuring how health conditions are perceived by the public at large and accounting for these views in evaluating the public health impact of disease and injury. These assessments of the severity of different health outcomes are known as disability weights. The second piece of work co-led by Salomon was the country-by-country analysis of health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE), also known as healthy life expectancy, which gives an overall summary measure of health in a population, accounting both for how many years people survive, and how healthy they are during these years.
?When the first GBD study was done in the 1990s, there were criticisms about how the impact of different conditions was measured,? Salomon said. ?With GBD 2010, we decided to stop relying solely on experts to understand what matters most to people and instead went straight to the people themselves.?
Creating more critical and credible health severity weights
The authors gathered the opinions of 13,902 participants in household surveys and 16,328 participants in an innovative online survey. Surveys were conducted through personal interviews in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Peru, and Tanzania; telephone interviews in the United States; and an open-access Web-based survey. The sites for the household surveys were selected to provide diversity in language, culture, and socioeconomic status, and the Web-based survey included respondents from most countries of the world.
The survey asks individuals to imagine different health outcomes and compare them to each other in simple, comprehensible questions for all educational levels. A sample question would be "Imagine two people ? the first person is completely blind, and the second person suffers from constant intense back pain. Who is healthier overall??
Answers were then used to calculate a health state severity weight for each of the health consequences, or sequelae, that result from one or more of the conditions being assessed for GBD 2010. Health state severity is the relative severity that members of the public ascribe to different types of disability.
?Whether you are highly educated, male or female, or living in a wealthy or resource-limited setting, this study has shown that people evaluate different types of health outcomes in very similar ways,? said Christopher Murray, director of IHME, the coordinating center for GBD 2010. ?These survey results more critically and credibly define disability weights and suggest that policymakers need to understand the size of health losses resulting from different diseases or injuries first, before setting global, national, and local priorities.?
The newly released GBD 2010 study uses these new disability weights and provides an even-handed approach to 291 causes of disease and injury, including 1,160 sequelae of these causes, and 67 risk factors. Using the new information on disability weights, combined with information on how many people at different ages are living with each of the sequelae and on age-specific mortality, the GBD researchers have calculated a comprehensive measure of overall population health called healthy life expectancy.
Majority of the world living longer, but spending more years in poor health compared to 20 years ago
Comparing healthy life expectancy for 187 countries, in 1990 and 2010, the researchers were able to evaluate major patterns and trends in global health over two decades. They found that life expectancy has increased in 19 of 21 regions around the world, but, although people are living longer, they are spending these later years living with poor health. Healthy life expectancy has increased more slowly than life expectancy over the last 20 years, and substantial differences in healthy life expectancy persist across countries. Gains in healthy life expectancy over the last two decades have been made primarily through reductions in child and adult mortality rather than reductions in years lived with a disability.
?In the past two decades, there has been less attention towards reducing the impact of non-fatal disease and injury than towards reducing mortality,? said Dr. Haidong Wang, professor of global health at IHME and one of the co-authors on the healthy life expectancy paper. ?As the global population is living longer, efforts to improve health need to also incorporate the burden of disease that affects how we function.?
Over the last six decades, advances in medicine and public health, improved living standards, rising levels of educational attainment, and declines in fertility have contributed to dramatic reductions in mortality in most regions of the world. With the accompanying trend of people surviving to more advanced ages, there is increased recognition of the need to prioritize healthy aging.
In 2010, global HALE at birth was 58.3 years for males and 61.8 for females, compared to 54.4 and 57.8, respectively, in 1990. Overall life expectancy exceeded HALE in 2010 with a difference of 9.2 years for males and 11.5 years for females. While life expectancy at birth for males and females increased by 4.7 years for males and 5.1 years for females, HALE at birth increased only 3.9 years and 4.0 years, respectively. This indicates that, on average, the world loses more years of healthy life to disability today than 20 years ago.
The gap between the sexes in both life expectancy and HALE continues to widen, too. Gains have been higher for women in both life expectancy and HALE. Just three countries have higher healthy life expectancy rankings for males than for females. Canada, the UK, and the USA ranked 7th, 20th, and 32nd, respectively, for male healthy life expectancy at birth, and 23rd, 29th, and 35th for female healthy life expectancy.?
While HALE has increased in most regions, there are two dramatic exceptions: Southern Africa, where adult mortality from HIV/AIDS has erased years of life expectancy, and the Caribbean, where the 2010 earthquake in Haiti killed an enormous number of people. Across countries, healthy life expectancy at birth in 2010 for males ranged from 27.9 in Haiti to 68.8 in Japan, and healthy life expectancy at birth for females ranged from 37.1 in Haiti to 71.7 in Japan.
Findings encourage re-examination of global public health targets and priorities
Countries are facing a coming wave of financial and societal costs from the rising number of people living with diseases and injuries. The results from GBD 2010 highlight the limited progress that has been made in reducing the prevalence of disability, and point to the need for greater attention to non-fatal consequences that limit people?s physical and mental function, including mental health conditions and musculoskeletal disorders.
The authors emphasize that despite the lack of progress in reducing disability, there are also encouraging signs that healthy aging is possible. If all countries could achieve the low years-lived-with-disability per capita rates seen in Japan, for example, substantial increases in healthy life expectancy would be realized.These improvements would likely be accompanied by reductions in the costs of managing diseases and injuries.
?As mortality decreases in populations around the world, studying healthy life expectancy becomes even more important,? said Alan Lopez, one of the founders of the Global Burden of Disease and head of the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland. ?By tracking trends in healthy life expectancy, we gain a greater understanding of the changes in morbidity and disability that are having a significant impact in reducing the years people are living in good health.?
Support for the study was provided by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Harvard School of Public Health ( is dedicated to advancing the public's health through learning, discovery, and communication. More than 400 faculty members are engaged in teaching and training the 1,000-plus student body in a broad spectrum of disciplines crucial to the health and well being of individuals and populations around the world. Programs and projects range from the molecular biology of AIDS vaccines to the epidemiology of cancer; from risk analysis to violence prevention; from maternal and children's health to quality of care measurement; from health care management to international health and human rights. For more information on the school visit:
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Friday, December 14, 2012
Exclusive: VeriFone to pull back from small merchants
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - VeriFone Systems Inc
VeriFone, a leading provider of card readers and payment processing services, unveiled SAIL in May, a service that lets small and individual merchants accept card payments through devices that plug into smart phones and other mobile devices.
The move was a response to the success of Square, a start-up led by Jack Dorsey, which has a card reader that has been a hit with small merchants such as cab drivers.
However, it is hard to make a profit from such services because the provider is at least partly responsible for any problems, such as fraud. That's one of the reasons VeriFone has decided to pull back from the business, the people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision is not public yet.
A VeriFone spokesman declined to comment.
In addition to VeriFone, EBay Inc's
Square is already branching out into other services and is focusing on much larger merchants. The company signed a major payments deal with Starbucks Corp
Groupon's payments business is designed to encourage more merchants to run its daily deals, rather than generate big profits for the company.
(Reporting by Alistair Barr; Editing by Peter Lauria, Phil Berlowitz and Nick Zieminski)
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Dot Earth Blog: The Slaughter of Schoolchildren
It is a sad reflection of the human capacity for violence that Wikipedia has a sub-category, under ?rampage killers,? for ?rampage killers: school massacres.? David Brooks? July column on rampage killings and a related piece by the psychiatrist David Archer in Psychology Today, provide valuable data and insights on such killings, if little comfort on a very dark day.
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Triplets All In Jail: Shivers Brothers Could End Up In Same Michigan Correctional Facility
Holiday family reunions are a tradition in many American households, but for a set of Michigan triplets, this year's brotherly get-together may be taking place in a rather bleak setting: behind bars.
According to the Smoking Gun, 21-year-old triplets Deshawn, Juronn and Devon Shivers have all landed themselves in prison on felony charges, and all three may soon end up in the Saginaw Correctional Facility.
ABC writes:
Deshawn and Juronn?were recently convicted of unarmed robbery by a jury in Saginaw County, Mich., after an incident in Buena Vista Township, Mich.They could soon find themselves at the same correctional facility as the third triplet, Devon, who was convicted in 2011 of multiple weapons charges and home invasion. The earliest release date for Devon, according to Saginaw Police, is 2042.
As for Deshawn and Juronn, who will be sentenced next month, each faces a maximum of 15 years in prison, the Smoking Gun notes.
Saginaw Police Sgt. Terry Carpenter told ABC News that the Shivers triplets were active members of the "Sunny Side" gang. Other family members, including an older brother of the triplets who was reportedly in prison until August this year, are also involved in the gang.
?The Saginaw P.D. is elated by the recent convictions of Deshawn and Juronn Shivers and hope that they receive a stern sentence by the sentencing circuit court judge,? the police said in a statement.
This is not the first time a band of siblings has made headlines for running afoul of the law. In November, Vicki and Sarah Satterfield -- two thirds of a former Playboy triplets trio -- were arrested for their involvement in an Ohio strip club brawl.
In 2006, the Guardian reported that twin brothers Jonathan and Robert Maskell were put behind bars after they robbed and then killed their 74-year-old grandmother.
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Thursday, December 13, 2012
Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA Performing Arts, "Afternoon of ...
The following information was provided by the Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA.
The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA Performing Arts Program hosted ?An Afternoon of Performing Arts with Friends? on December 2nd.? It was an exciting way to introduce the program to the Community and with the help of local craft artisans, culinary chefs, and artwork displayed by theScotch?Plains-Fanwood?High School?art students, they did just that!? The festivities began with participants enjoying various dishes from local eateries, including delicious pizza from?Nick?s Pizza & Deli?of Fanwood; wonderful Chicken Marsala and Penne Vodka from?Pantagis Renaissanceof Scotch Plains; tasty spinach pie from?ScotchWood Diner?of Scotch Plains; and yummy appetizers from?T.G.I. Fridays?of Watchung. Everyone was then invited to view artwork on display from Ms. Aker?s Airbrush class from the Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School.
Highlighting the celebration were performances from the New Jersey Youth Theatre (NJYT) as well as the Y?s Dance Company, a group of dancers ranging in age from 7 to 12.? These young dancers, some of whom have never danced before, take three to four dance classes a week, then rehearse for two hours each Saturday. Dance Company participants Sean Chukwu, Whitney Chukwu, Aloka Nanayakkara, Elizabeth Parvin, Elizabeth Rehwinkel, Madeline Rehwinkel, and Amy Walejewsky demonstrated their dedication and love of dance as they performed selections from ?The Nutcracker Suite? for the assembled guests.?
The New Jersey Youth Theatre (NJYT)?performed a number of?musical numbers including ?Some Things Are Meant To Be? sung by Jamie Asreen; ?I Love Paris? sung by Kelly Plescia; and ?Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas? sung by Samantha Tropper. Accompanist Ryan Kiel also gave us a beautiful rendition of ?All I Want For Christmas? on the piano.
Also on display and available for purchase was the work of local craft artists such as Meghan Whitney of?Purse and Pouch?displayed custom?handmade fabric bags; Gailmarie Sprague offered custom-made chocolates; Jennifer Seganish presented botanically based skin care products; and Sydney Hopen of?Just Bead Yourself?displayed her own jewelry creations.?
The afternoon concluded with the presentation of two door prizes, a $25.00 gift certificate fromGigi?s Dancerwear?of?Rahway?and a $100.00 gift certificate from?Just Bead Yourself?of?Westfield.? The event was a great success and a fun way to introduce the performing arts program being offered at the Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA.?
The Y is the nation?s leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. For information on membership or programs, or to request a schedule of classes, please call the Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA at (908) 889-8880 or visit the Y?s website at? Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.
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