Monday, February 4, 2013

Pink Eye? What to do? : Ideas For Women Health and Fitness Blog

Pink eye is a viral or bacterial infection of the white part of the eye. Symptoms can be caused from allergies or foreign body but they can also be caused by bacteria. Either form is highly contagious so what do you do?

When you or your child has signs of pink eye they will experience drainage from one or both eyes. They will complain of itching, burning, or blurry vision. And they will most often have crusts form on the eye lids after sleeping.

Initially, warm soaks to clear the eyes will offer comfort. Allergy medications may help if the eye symptoms are caused by allergies. Using over the counter eye drops may clear the redness and even make the condition disappear. However, if the symptoms are worse or the drainage is greenish you may need an antibiotic eye drop to get the mess cleared up. Most physicians if they know you as their patient will call a script into your local pharmacy if you describe the condition over the phone.

You can also help stop the spread of the pink eye to other members of the family by having each child or adult use their own towel and use excellent hand washing techniques. Pink eye is most often spread by bacteria or viruses on the hands which is spread by touching the face with contaminated fingers.

Women should be advised to change out their eye make-up when they experience a case of pink eye. Eye make up can be contaminated and re-infect the? same or opposite eye. Changing out eye make up every six months may help to avoid another breakout.

Keeping your hands clean is the best way to avoid contaminating your eyes. Keep kids home the first 24 hours of a bacterial case of conjunctivitis or pink eye. And use eye drops as directed to clear up a stubborn case because your eye health matters. If you cannot get the symptoms to disappear with over the counter medications, seek medical attention. It is a matter of your health.


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